Thursday, October 19, 2006 

Classic Grand

>> Opening night
>> Featuring My Latest Novel & the Grim Northern Social

Opening nights and launch parties are all well and good when done properly. There’s doing it properly, and there’s doing it in style. The Classic Grand – as the name suggests, do the latter.

500 capacity room upstairs, a 240 room downstairs, Guns R Roses pinball machines, palm trees, two of Scotland’s best bands and a glass of champagne – what more could you ask for?

On tonight’s showing, the Classic Grand won’t take long to establish itself as one of the best venues in the country, as it has been made for, and by music lovers, with the attention to detail second to none.

It’s unfair to judge the Grim Northern Social and My Latest Novel on tonight’s performances, as everyone is here just to have a mingle and admire the new venue. Location is ideal, the equipment and backstage areas are fantastic and the place has a certain class about it prompting me to think that after show parties will be just as frequent in the Classic Grand as live events.

Welcome to the Glasgow music scene Mr. Grand.

>> Joe Sach